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dragonbeast: snip
dr.zli: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the EU and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
For context he is speaking to the stair in which he tripped and stubbed his toe. :-P
GhostwriterDoF: Bots! :D
Tarm: Bot support, in games where it's relevant of course and not like adventure games have become one of the most important things for me when buying games. No Bot support and that I can't start a server of my own with bots and I wont buy the game. Or play it.
Me too. No bots, no buy.

I only like multiplayer games where there is co-op with humans against bots was well. Which reminds me that I've never explored the MP side of Rage... though I hesitate because it's a Steam crowd in that MP-sphere and it's hard to find other GoG members on Steam. We should put a little green G on our profiles or something so we can identify each other elsewhere in the inter-webs of MP gaming.
dragonbeast: WARNING: This is a rant of a frustrated gamer
read at own risk

as someone who plays online games a lot i keep getting more and more confrontated by the serious and flaming PRO/MLG gamers. in certain games i can slightly understand this as they have a competitive component, like league of legends (still think this flaming is wrong but whatever).

these days however, i also seem to find it more and more in casual games. latest example being left 4 dead 2. we were playing versus and i would become a tank (rare huge zombie that can destroy everything). the game spawned me next to the humans at which a player on our side immediatly started "OMG n00b L2P u fcking piece of shit" (literal quote) who believed i should not chagre in. upon me defending myself came the expected "Shut up fggt r u a tarD". (literal quote again).

why is it that even in games with no ranking component whatsoever, gamers only give a damn about winning. doesn't matter if people want to have fun IF YOU DON'T USE PRO TAKTIKS AND ONLY BEST GUN ND DO AS I SAY YOU R A FGGT AND A N0B GO DIE PLS. why do gamers only value winning, and just fully ignore the fun component of games.

games R not fun, gaùes r srs bsns

those moment make me feel nostalgic about those days in a TF2 clan server (gfl) where fun was always #1 and we did silly fun thing like go all spy.
where are the times it didn't matter if your team wasn't world championchip material and all did their best?

sigh, what happend?
JudasIscariot: What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
You know, I have BB Chaos Edition and have yet to play it. I should probably install that now, I could be the Toronto Maple Leafs of Blood Bowl. :D
JudasIscariot: What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
Theta_Sigma: You know, I have BB Chaos Edition and have yet to play it. I should probably install that now, I could be the Toronto Maple Leafs of Blood Bowl. :D
I am the Seattle Seahawks equivalent. The only game I "won" is because my opponent didn't show up due to extenuating circumstances.
Theta_Sigma: You know, I have BB Chaos Edition and have yet to play it. I should probably install that now, I could be the Toronto Maple Leafs of Blood Bowl. :D
JudasIscariot: I am the Seattle Seahawks equivalent. The only game I "won" is because my opponent didn't show up due to extenuating circumstances.
That's okay, my opponents would not show up, and I'd still lose. :D
Should be able to find some through here!
Post edited December 09, 2013 by Sachys
Yeah, I run into some of those occasionally. Not to mention the annoying mics (screaming, talking gibberish, faking woman/child's voice).

But I guess I'm lucky enough I only ran into two players so far that were obnoxious enough to warrant a block.
Sachys: Should be able to find some through here!
There seems to be at least two GoG groups there. :o

Maybe I'll join both next time I log into Steam...
GhostwriterDoF: Bots! :D
Hey, maybe we could make bots that insult the player and make a fortune!
GhostwriterDoF: Bots! :D
P1na: Hey, maybe we could make bots that insult the player and make a fortune!
I have designs for AI in gaming that would serve a much better purpose, though you might be onto something...

Judging from the OP's original post, the insulting had better be in a comical "Don Rickles" format rather than in today's MP abusive gibberish.
TVTropes calls 'em "Stop Having Fun" Guys and I have heard that L4D's SHFGs were especially bad
Post edited December 09, 2013 by Shaolin_sKunk
dr.zli: What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.
I... I think I love you!
It is a real shame. I am all for a little bit of minor trolling here and there - that is essentially me both online and in real life, but abuse of other players is never acceptable. Someone mentioned that Hearthstone has reduced social interaction - this in my opinion is a very welcome development in gaming in general. I used to play Counterstrike semi-competitively, and in my book, all communication other than: gl & hf, pause, ns and gg should be banned in-game.
JudasIscariot: What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
Yes This is why I gave up Playing online FOR GOOD to many juvenile A$$holes they Taunt and flame and Bitch and whine! I Ask them what their age is some say 8 some say 14! you know what really pisses me off kids that run scripts and aimbots there is no way a human has that type of bullshit reaction time!
JudasIscariot: What you just described is part of the reason I only play with GOGgers. At least I know I won't have to hear that kind of trash talk when I play Blood Bowl (I do yell at the screen, not the player :D )/
fr33kSh0w2012: Yes This is why I gave up Playing online FOR GOOD to many juvenile A$$holes they Taunt and flame and Bitch and whine! I Ask them what their age is some say 8 some say 14! you know what really pisses me off kids that run scripts and aimbots there is no way a human has that type of bullshit reaction time!
You ought to try and play Blood Bowl sometime :) Turn-based and it's all dice you get to stomp other people's players..especially if they are halflings or elves :D