cannard: Seeing the video about NOLF's rights situation was almost amusing in a way. It's like they misplaced the rights to the series in the same way someone would their wallet or car keys. Maybe it's somewhere underneath one of Activision's couches, or between the cushions.
AdamR: Haha! I am thinking the exact same thing! Maybe they dropped coffee in NOLF's filing cabinet, and a bunch of words got all smudged up or something...
I edited my above post to include the video.
I think it would be weird if they had sold it. It was pretty successful, wasn't it? I'd think they would want to keep it around. I dunno.
Years ago, I read something on the now defunct site NOLFGirl, that Activision owned the right to series, but Monolith owned the characters, and the rights to the actual names of the games were owned by Activision but were about to expire... Something like that... I think this info was coming from a Monolith employee.
But my memory is probably wrong. I read this like 6 years ago, and have had electro-convulsive therapy since then. So please don't think that it means anything.
edit - Okay, I was way off. I found the article I mentioned with the help of -
here. It was not written by a Monolith employee, I was wrong about who owns what rights, and this was written well before the Vivendi/Activision merger. The info is pretty much useless. It says that Vivendi owned the rights as of December 30, 2007 (about 6 months before the merger, if I'm not mistaken.) But we already knew that... so... Just forget I was here. I have confused myself. I'll slowly back out of this thread now...
I'd imagine there's a couple more Monolith/Vivendi/Fox interactive - Activision games that are in the same situation (although NOLF is the one that more people are interested in) Sanity: Aitken's Artefact (aka just plain 'Aitken's Artefact') is one I'm defiantly aware of and would be worth a look IMO - anyone know of any more worth a mention?
cannard: Huh, I got a 404 too. I didn't know what was going on until I found that the link wouldn't work without the end slash, which the hyperlink kept failing to include. Annnyway I fixed it in a way that it should work now, ha ha!
Which Infocom games are free? In any case, GOG never had a problem with freeware, so that shouldn't make a difference.
tfishell: says "Free" on the side there, so I assume all the games are free. Wait, just saw this: "Complete your collection and keep these classic games alive for generations to come. Players can purchase five bundle packs with 5 games each for $2.99 per pack; OR own the entire game collection PLUS all game maps AND the exclusive, never-published bonus adventure “Zork: The Undiscovered Underground”, for just $9.99. " Okay that makes much more sense.
Speaking of Freeware, does anyone know the Freeware status of the early C&C games - I know EA released a bunch to celebrate C&C's anniversary or something but they've killed all their own links and put the old games in the new compilation - there are a few old download links still around but I'm not sure if they should be
i.e. does anyone know if EA have officially tried to cram the genie back in the bottle and revoked the freeware status or are they just sweeping it under the carpet and hoping everyone forgets?