GameRager: 1. What is a "good game" exactly? (I like some so called mainstream games and thought them good.) 0.o
SimonG: I love a lot of "mainstream games" too. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. But an example for a "good game" that gets bought by enthusiasts would be Bastion. Or maybe S.P.A.Z.
Yeah, well, "guilty", I guess. ;-P
1. You just made it seem like "enthusiasts" were somehow "better" than those who like mainstream titles in your wording of that post, is all.....and as such I felt the need to don the proverbial white silk smackity gloves. I do hope you understand. :)
-------------------------------------------------------- SimonG: 1. This discussion isn't really new,
is it?.
The music industry didn't die, and they had a far bigger problem with piracy than games. Same with the movie industry.
2. I still think that piracy as an economical factor isn't bad for the industry as a whole. The problems people have with it are far more psychological than anything else. ("He got something for free, but I
payed for it. You bastard!").
3. And the gaming industry is using pirates as a scapegoat to put DRMs in games. But the actual target of those is the used games market (which got huge with ebay, etc.). The whole purpose of Steam was to kill the used game market on the PC. I don't blame them, as I don't buy used games (other than as collectors items that is).
1. AFAIK those industries are still making record profits each year....despite the moans and groans over the VCR coming out, as well as recordable audio tapes & CDs.
2. I have always wanted to say this but always held my tongue......IMHO some of it IS psychological...people mad someone got something for free, rather than it being mainly "morally wrong" to those against piracy/etc.
3. It makes me laugh when people keep spouting the piracy is killing games/causing DRM to be added to games spiel when it's really the used games market that terrifies game publishers and causes them to add such to their games.
========================== Jarmo: 1. But it
does make sense. When half of "customers" opt for bittorrent, the magic break-even point is more and more difficult to achieve. Making trying anything new more and more risky venture. Even big companies
do try this now and then, because they
know they need new franchises as well. But they can't afford too many 50 million flops between know successes.
2. The creativity and will to innovate is still out there though, without publisher support there's only the indie way to go. You work for a year or two and hope for the best. Some come out on top but on average the production values just aren't there, a few guys in a garage just can't match a team of dozens. The successful ones tend to go with a highly stylized less labour intensive route. World of Goo was awesome, but what works in a casual game doesn't work in AAA titles.
3. You see creativity, but you won't see anything of Mass Effect production values from indie scene.
4. And hey, the early cartridge games and such. The cost was high and the content was low. Nice to play and all, but they were usually something a single developer or a small team cooked up in a few weeks. Now the developement costs are 100 times as high, yet the prices have remained the same or gone down.
1. Maybe they shouldn't be spending so much(50 millionish) on new game franchises then? Now i'm not saying to cut content on new titles but they can cut corners in many not spending on so many bloody full page ads in gamer mags or "buying" reviews from "critics" of such mags, and perhpas using free/viral advertising channels to save costs(youtube/twitter/facebook/cheap domain hosting of viral ad sites/etc). Those are just some ways they could save and cut the costs down.
2. What about the early 3DRealms game successes and other such "garage"/small team developers that made successes from hardly nothing? Just because you're indie doesn't mean you can't make a huge hit or be ultra successful if you try.
3. Read number 2 again.
4. Cut costs then and produce a AAA title with more emphasis on gameplay and story than just graphics, and cut costs in various ways as I lined out in number 1.