monkeydelarge: Unfortunately Adblock makes my Firefox run really slow... So it looks like the only way I'm going to have Firefox running smooth and not be assaulted by a horde of bad ads everyday is to just stick to websites I know are safe.
You could alternatively try
and/or [url=]RequestPolicy. NoScript prevents scripts from running from domains until you specifically whitelist the domain; since almost all ads are served up from domains external to the site you're actually visiting NoScript ends up blocking most of them, and especially blocks the most annoying ads (moving, pop-over, sound, video, etc). RequestPolicy prevents sites from loading elements hosted on other domains unless you specifically authorize it. This means that pretty much all ads, tracking elements, etc are blocked (since they're almost all loaded from domains other than the site being visited). The downside is that these aren't as low-maintenance as AdBlock, and will break many sites until you whitelist the domains that the site relies on to function properly. Once you get the sites you properly visit whitelisted things run pretty smoothly from there, but you'll still need to whitelist elements on new sites occasionally.