P1na: Sure, there is a difference between the two. I won't argue that. However, I still don't see it
that bad. We still get 1 thread per bundle, that is hardly flooding. I wouldn't call it spam unless they kept insisting by frequently bumping their threads or creating new ones all the time. I for one found it nice that they bothered to create an account to reply to the questions our community had about their new site, even if the answers weren't the ones I would have hoped for.
Either way, this thread will a) get the same discussion any other bundle thread would have (making it a legitimate thread) or b) get ignored and fall ot oblivion, so I don't see it as a particularly bad idea.
That said, my opinion might be related to not considering the bigger picture (if
everyone did that, yes it would be annoying) and not really remembering previous cases.
I'm not gonna create anymore Bundle Bandits threads anyway, so I don't have any problems with the rep posting them if GOG doesn't care.
I lost interest in Bundle Bandits after their first bundle. Same applies to Flying Bundle.. I haven't been posting threads for them lately because I lost interest in their bundles.