jdsgn: - No warranty that codes still work (I think mine do not expire, but I have never done a giveaway before, please excuse inconveniences arising from my lack of experience)
If they're GOG codes, bought by you or another member, they shouldn't expire. You can check yourself, too:
Go to
https://www.gog.com/redeem and input the code. It will show you if and when it will expire, its contents, etc.
Oh, and thanks for the giveaway, too! Always nice to see the tradition of prolific holiday D&D giving;)
I think I'll indulge in an entry, seeing there's a good opportunity here: You see, last time I mentioned I didn't have these, people were quite cross and threatened unseemly things my way. I avoided it once, but there's no telling what might happen next, so...
I'm in for ...
*2*. Yup. I don't have Baldur's Gate... *runs and hides*