I'll enter for RWarehall (if that's okay).
Q1. What are your top 3 favourite game genres and why?
Spectacle Fighters: (Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Rising, Ninja Gaiden Black and Bayonetta just as examples)
Playing through Devil May Cry 4 (as well as the other games in the series, haven't finished 2 and 3) made me fall in love with these kind of games. The over the top action and difficulty (well...some of them are difficult) are the main things that really draw me in.
Shoot 'em ups/Bullet Hell Shooters:
I'll be honest, I suck at these kind of games. I did a 1CC run of Crimzon Clover, but only on Novice difficulty (only got to Stage 3 on Arcade difficulty). Despite the absurd difficulty of some titles I still enjoy them. The bullet patterns (as well as the presentation and soundtracks) in a lot of these games are beautiful, and playing in short bursts (as well as trying to beat your high score) help as well.
I suppose it would be more fair to say JRPGs (since I've played more of those than western stuff), but even then I enjoy both (don't really have a preference to be quite honest). As far as why, well...I guess the stories in them (as well as the combat system in place). I think they're better when they're turned based though (especially when you're handling mutiple party members), but I don't mind real time either.
Q2. What are your top 3 worst game genres and why?
So far the only FPS-like games that I enjoyed were Fallout 3, New Vegas, System Shock 2, Bioshock, and Human Revolution. FPS (or third person) by themselves is kind of hard for me to get into for the most part (although I enjoyed Hard Reset due to being fast paced and had very little scripting to it). If they're slow and heavily scripted (like say...the Tomb Raider Reboot) I usually don't enjoy them that much (or at all), but the multiplayer modes they have aren't that bad (decent to good time wasters overall).
MMOs Generally I don't really care about multiplayer only games, and MMOs just aren't that interesting to me. I did like Guild Wars 2 (well...back when I played it, I just took a break and haven't gone back to it) and some of Wizard 101 years ago (mainly due to the turn-based card battles), but generally after a few hours I just stop playing them. A lot of them just look ugly, have a bunch of boring quests, and the pacing is just so damn slow I die a little inside.
Joke Simulators: (Not a genre, but they might as well be with more and more of them popping up)
Surgeon Simulator was enough for me, and it wasn't even that good. I...honestly don't see the appeal in them. I guess it's fun watching someone play them and laughing at the stupid stuff that happens in them, but playing them is the exact opposite of fun. Now there are more and more of these jokes coming out (with Bread Simulator and Bear Simulator being examples). Gee, thanks Bossa Studios. =/