lugum: that seems hardly finished.
besides you dont need that to be able to run it on windows 7
serpantino: I've got it on one of my windows 7 pc's and it doesn't run properly. It runs but I get graphical errors that make it unplayable (forget exactly what happens but it's something to do with opening the menu)... tried compatability modes, disabling desktop enhancement etc but it still causes issues. It is 64bit 7 though.
i am running windows 7 64bit too.
grab the replacement installer from Http:// (also has a fine replacement for monkey island 4)
install as usual.
run the update called gfupd101.exe
start the game (no compability change whatsoever)
i think i had some graphical issues too at first but i managed to fix that some months ago.
but i just tried what i described above and it works without a hitch.