Snickersnack: Don't worry, if the warez scene can remove GFWL and Steam requirements so can GOG. ;)
kavazovangel: Do you really want to see both crashfest and bugfest when playing? Unless the game's source is heavily modified, the Steamworks-using games usually are very buggy and crash-prone when Steamworks is removed.
I have to remember that next time someone suggests that in the "unlikely" event that Steam would ever close down, he would simply crack all his Steam games. :)
Neobr10: GOG doesnt use cracks, as far as im aware of.
kavazovangel: Actually they do. But I'm not going to write more on this subject, even though I disagree with that behaviour.
As long as the copyright holder is fine with GOG using 3rd party cracks with their releases, I don't see any real problem (as long as GOG is able to locate and verify the needed files). After all, sometimes even the original IP holders have used pirate cracks in order to remove a non-functional DRM from their own games. DukeNukemForever: No problems with higher price points as long as there are better promotions or the price will drop after some time. Personally I would not buy these games for 30$, because I don't want afford for a single game. I don't buy newer games and for an older title it's too much. But again, no problem if GOG would offer it for 30$, I have no urge and can wait for a price-drop.
I'd buy them to my backlog at least if GOG made a similar "get one free" promo as with HOMM V + Assassin's Creed. I think currently I'd be willing to pay e.g. $30 for both FO3 + F:NV (all DLC included) together, no hesitation and no questions asked. Some hesitation if the price is considerably higher.
But as long as they are Steam-only games, I'll hold off of buyi... renting them until I'm sure I'll start playing them in the near future (currently I'm busy with Baldur's Gate mostly). Maybe they can be rented as a bundle for $3 then from Steam, which is ok to me I guess.