Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, I don't know, I wasn't too happy that it's not coming with an strategy/isometric view of the battlefield.
Watch Dogs, too much action and too little hacking but it was only a trailer so I think it's ok.
Mirror's Edge 2 looks good, more or less like the first which I had hoped for.
Dragon Age 3 I'm not so sure about it but it's a while until release so I think it's good.
Witcher 3 looks great, the title I'm looking forward the most but it's also one I'm dreading expectations will kill it so I'm trying to avoid any hype about it.
Project Spark looked interesting, I'll probably end up getting that at a later point.
Tom Clancy's The Divisions looks kind of fun, not too good but fun. Altough I suspect I'll enjoy everything except for the boring cover-shooting, I prefer stealth or dancing.
As for the PS4 and Xbox One I didn't plan to get either one and I won't, I will simply buy a whole new computer around the time I plan to buy The Witcher 3.