jefequeso: The controversy surrounding Shostakovich is rather interesting. People still argue about whether he was just a communist puppet or a "voice of the people." He made comments that suggest that pieces like the 5th Symphony (I think it's the 5th? I don't quite remember. He's not one of my favorites, although I also really love Russian composers) were full of anti-communist subtext, but he also did a lot of outrageous butt kissing. Then again, what choice was there?
Not to sound too much like a fanboy, but I had the impression that it was understood that he pretty much had to pander to the State censors and arbiters of acceptable culture, lest he face censure or get sent to Siberia (which happened to some of his fellow composers, IIRC). He did still criticize the state, but in a really hidden, indirect, subversive way; he pretty much admitted later on that the Leningrad Symphony was about the people's struggle not with the Nazis, but with Stalin's Russia itself.
From what I recall it was only later when his criticism of Soviet Russia was more explicit in his work, but by that time there was less fear of state censure; either that or he just got too fed up with it and stopped caring.