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aJillSandwich: Please count me in. Thank you. I love that cat on the news who saved that little boy from that dog attack! +1 to you, and +1 to that cat!
I saw that video, was pretty awesome. Helps to prove a point that cats are just as loyal to their families as dogs :)
MaxFulvus: Not in, but +1 for this giveaway and your love for animals.

I have four cats and they are my friends and my fur children. I always had cats.
I could die for them or kill those who try to hurt them.

They know loyalty better than most of humans. It's always a tragedy when they pass away, that why I try to make them happy more than I try to make myself happy.
I am with you on this, my animals are my babies and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them. All of our animals are very well loved, or spoiled if you prefer ;-)
phandom: Thank you. I'm in.
We used to have a cat here in the office where I work. He just showed up one day and he never left.
We named him Croesus after his royal fur! Very gentle, very lazy and not at all noisy.
We took turns caring for him every day, until our boss made us take him away.
He said he was an annoyance. Sitting on a chair and wagging his tail must have been really annoying.....
At least he was taken to a good home.
I'll try to find some pictures of him.
Unfortunately not all people enjoy the presence of animals :-(
I'm certainly glad y'all were able to find him a good home though :-)
park_84: Since I've never had plenty of space, I've never had any dog, cat or elephant, just tiny animals like a hamster, a turtle, some fishes...
I'm in, thanks for the giveaway!
hmmmm, an elephant for a pet. Guess it would give new meaning for talking about the elephant in the room for you :)
F1ach: I would love to play Cat Lady so please include me :)

My 2 dogs at 10 months, Spock and Kirk (half Siberian husky and half Rhodesian ridgeback). They are 12 months now and still spend the day wrestling each other and playing hide n seek behind the one shrub in my garden.

They are inseperable and do everything together. They are fun to watch in the park, if they see somebody throwing a ball/Frisbee for another dog, they will sit down and watch it being thrown and retrieved, their heads moving in unision from side to side, like people at Wimbledon watching a tennis match.

+1 cool idea for a giveaway, cheers :)
Love the names of your dogs! They look like very exuberant and fun animals to play with :-)
Post edited May 19, 2014 by trentonlf
trentonlf: I have a key for The Cat Lady to give away. Now me I love my cats and dogs, they are my fur kids :-)
So I would love to see some pics or hear some stories about your animals. Here is one of my Husky Shadow and two of our cats Puss and Boots :)

I wish there were many keys to give away, but I only have one. So for the next few days or so post away and then I'll put all the names in a hat and draw one.

Peace All :-)
Briareos262: Oh wow, your husky is so darn cute, its just a baby. That is the cutest damn pic ive ever seen of a husky =) I always wanted a husky and hope to get one soon....well that or a german shepard. I did use to have an akita and cute mixed sheltie doggy. Best pets ever, may they rest in peace. Right now all I have left is just a mixed miniture pinture/dautsy I got from the shelter and my 20 year old black cat peekaboo.

Not in. +1 for the great animal giveaway that ties in with Cat Lady. LoL, I actually have a cat lady as a neighbor, its how I adopted my black cat. ^_^
Rescuing an animal from the shelter is such a wonderful thing to do! Kudos to you :-)
zeffyr: Please count me in, thanks!

Cats are totally great. Last weekend I got a chance to care about my friend's cat. She's a crazy ragdoll (cat, not friend :P) and I had lots of fun with her.

Now I'm considering to get a ragdoll for my home as well :)
One of our cats is a ragdoll. They are so funny when you pick them up and they go totally limp. Such an easy going breed lol
Briareos262: Oh wow, your husky is so darn cute, its just a baby. That is the cutest damn pic ive ever seen of a husky =) I always wanted a husky and hope to get one soon....well that or a german shepard. I did use to have an akita and cute mixed sheltie doggy. Best pets ever, may they rest in peace. Right now all I have left is just a mixed miniture pinture/dautsy I got from the shelter and my 20 year old black cat peekaboo.

Not in. +1 for the great animal giveaway that ties in with Cat Lady. LoL, I actually have a cat lady as a neighbor, its how I adopted my black cat. ^_^
tinyE: I have a cat and a dachsi that are inseparable.
Animals tend to be smarter than humans and know how to look past the fact that they are different ;-)
Post edited May 19, 2014 by trentonlf
not in but +1! :D
Croesus the cat! Found two photos of him.

Photo 2 is NSFW, but he really is a lazy cat.....
Post edited May 19, 2014 by phandom
My family had a similar looking puppy husky when I was younger but it got stolen.
I have a steam "The Cat Lady" that I'm willing to give you to make a second prize if you want.

Edit: Steam key sent to trentonlf
Post edited May 19, 2014 by justanoldgamer
Not in but +1 for give away and your awesome pets!

I currently have a cat named Taco. She's grey and really, really, really small. She was really sick when I got her, and I wonder if that might have stunted her growth. She enjoys waking me up every morning by biting my nose. hard. She also plays fetch and loves water.
Count me in.. Thank you!

I don't keep a pet currently as my living arrangement doesn't allow one..
justanoldgamer: My family had a similar looking puppy husky when I was younger but it got stolen.
I have a steam "The Cat Lady" that I'm willing to give you to make a second prize if you want.
If you would like to contribute the steam version I will sure pass it out too. Very generous of you to offer :-)

phandom: Croesus the cat! Found two photos of him.

Photo 2 is NSFW, but he really is a lazy cat.....
He looks like a very happy cat. And they are not really lazy, just indifferent LOL
Crewdroog: Not in but +1 for give away and your awesome pets!

I currently have a cat named Taco. She's grey and really, really, really small. She was really sick when I got her, and I wonder if that might have stunted her growth. She enjoys waking me up every morning by biting my nose. hard. She also plays fetch and loves water.
We have a Bombay named boots and one of her favorite activities is to play fetch! Always find it funny to watch a catch fetch a toy :-D

Gotta enjoy those "love" bites ;-)
Post edited May 19, 2014 by trentonlf
Aniki: Count me in.. Thank you!

I don't keep a pet currently as my living arrangement doesn't allow one..
I understand, not all landlords/ladies allow pets because of irresponsible owners :-(
Not in but had fun reading the thread and looking at the pics.
We currently have no pets.
Not in, I already have it. Played it and loved it.
I used to have a very special cat, it would kill small animals but unlike most cats she would eat them too. So every now and then I saw her chewing on a meaty lump (if it had feathers then it used to be a bird, if you couldn't tell then it was probably a rodent). Then she got pet food and got lazy.
Not in, as I already have it, but it's a great game.
F1ach is the first winner
phaolo is winner number 2
park_84 is the next in line if one of above does not want Steam key
Thank you for this giveaway. +1
trentonlf: F1ach is the first winner
phaolo is winner number 2
park_84 is the next in line if one of above does not want Steam key
Spock and Kirk say thanks Trentonlf...well it kinda sounded like that but came out as a prolonged series of woofs! :)