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Thank you Thespian*. Can I enter for Space Empires IV if not too late? Believe I meet each of your rules.

Would like to declare war on procrastination, like so many people. Maybe thats why I took my time to enter this.

On a side note, where or how do you get donated games to create a giveaway? Do you just coordinate for people who want to make a giveaway but don't have the time for it? Do you just collect games and when you have a good amount, thats when you make the giveaway or can you also do one if 2-3 games been donated? Sorry for all the questions, just curious is all.
thank you to the gifters and to Thespian...+rep

Not in
Rearguard's BUMP
Mr Spock, for your continued goodness and hard work +rep
Not in, but +1 for you.
Declaration of BUMP
UPDATE: I'll close the contest to new entries tomorrow morning [*]. Hurry if you wish to enter. ;)

[*] (Spanish time, now it's 9 P.M. / 21:00 here)
Penultimate BUMP!
Post edited May 30, 2013 by Spinorial
In for Dsciples 2

i have many bad habits, i suppose the one i should face is being too damn lazy to help people around the house.
( Bump )
Blitzkrieg looks good... Thanks!

hmm.. Smoking.. I guess that's one of the various habits that I need to change... and I'll fight it!

.. but later... now I'll smoke this one while I procrastinate a bit...

ww_gog: On a side note, where or how do you get donated games to create a giveaway? Do you just coordinate for people who want to make a giveaway but don't have the time for it? Do you just collect games and when you have a good amount, thats when you make the giveaway or can you also do one if 2-3 games been donated? Sorry for all the questions, just curious is all.
Sorry, I missed your question. I like to make giveaways, and sometimes, when I open a new one, several forum members contact me to offer more games (like it happened in this one). Once I've got enough games to host a multi-prize GA (and I'm able to overcome my usual lazyness), then it's time for rock&roll! :D
And the winners are:


Azrael360 -- Street Racing Syndicate (Gamersgate) (kindly donated by Licurg)
chezybezy -- Party of Sin (Steam) (kindly donated by Robette, on behalf of an anonymous donor)
lugum -- Recruits (Desura) (kindly donated by Robette)
DarkoD13 -- The complete Blitzkrieg pack [includes Blitzkrieg Anthology + Blitzkrieg 2 Anthology] (GOG) (kindly donated by Coelocanth)
damien -- AirBuccanears (Steam) (kindly donated by Robette, on behalf of an anonymous donor)
maggotheart -- Disciples 2: Rise of the Elves (Steam) (kindly donated by Robette, on behalf of an anonymous donor)
ww_gog -- Space Empires IV Deluxe (Steam) (kindly donated by Robette, on behalf of an anonymous donor)
coxdr -- World War 3 Black Gold (Topware) (kindly donated by lugum)
kmonster -- Genesis Rising (Gamersgate) (kindly donated by Licurg)
mrbax -- Manhunter (Desura) (kindly donated by Ian)
canyonaz -- Knights And Merchants: Peasants Rebellion (Topware) (kindly donated by lugum)
Tancredo -- Paranautical Activity (Desura) (kindly donated by lugum)
Hardrada -- Earth 2150 (Topware) (kindly donated by lugum)

Congrats, and check your PMs in a few minutes! ;)


First of all, I'm extremely grateful to Coelocanth, Licurg, Ian, lugum and Robette for making this giveaway possible. Thank you, too, HereForTheBeer and ISC for donating even more games for my future GAs. :)

Also, I wish to thank all of you for sharing your bad habits with us. Now I know I'm not the only struggling with my procrastrination.

Finally, thanks for bumping the thread, guys! :)

PS: I'll open another giveaway soon. You'll be able to find it announced (as usual) in the last page of the Giveaways' Directory.
Post edited May 31, 2013 by Thespian*
Congrats to the winners and a BIG thanks to Thespian*, Coelocanth, Licurg, Ian, lugum and Robette.
Yes! Thanks to all who donated! I'm biting my nails in excitement... argh!