EckoShy: So, I'm looking to play one of those old school style first person RPGs like Wizardy, Might and Magic etc. Currently the only one of that type that I own is Legend of Grimrock, but I want to play something a bit older first so I can better appreciate the advancements of the genre over time. I'm kinda weird like that sometimes, always want to play the original before the sequel and such.
Now, difficulty is not really a problem. I have plenty of experience with RPGs on both the Western and Japanese front, new and old alike. Typically I prefer a good story and exploration over combat focused gameplay. But of course I can appreciate a good combat system when I see one. Also a big thing for me is a visually impressive setting. I'm not talking about graphical quality here. But the layout of the levels, the size of them, the art style, the variety of settings, and a suitable "alive" feeling world (And I'm a sucker for pre-rendered backgrounds).
Now, some games I have my eye on are might and Magic 7 8 and 9, Wizardy 8, Lands of Lore 1 + 2, and the Ishar Compilation. Feel free to suggest a game I didn't mention here if you think you know of something that better fits my tastes than any of those, I very well could have missed something. Otherwise, which of those 6 potential purchases do you think is the best deal for me?
If you have never entered Britannia in Ultima, I would recommend trying Ultima IV (here for free) and buying The second trilogy and VII from here at GOG. The first trilogy is really good also, but a bit dated (especially Ultima II.) They are sold at a fantastic price considering how much it would cost to try to get them on Ebay or anywhere else. Also grab the Worlds of Ultima games (not fantasy- one is like a 1930s pulp and the other one is Steampunk) for free here as well. (Do not get them anywhere else- here they are licensed and include excellent extras.) GOG has really done us a great favor by getting those for us.
Enjoy your adventures.