hedwards: I'm more concerned by Google glass having built in face recognition and a database of people that may or may not have consented to having their information in the database for creeps and pervs to look up.
ET3D: Considering that Google doesn't allow such applications, I'm not too worried about that. Though frankly that's the one killer app I'd love, an app that would tell me the names of all the people I see and where I know them from.
Not really, facial recognition is in their other products. So they have a policy right now that bars it, but there's no particular reason to think they won't change their mind later without external forces stopping them.
A version that was limited to contacts in your address book would probably be acceptable to people, without unduly compromising privacy.
But, even that sets a bad precedence as it lets people off the hook for not bothering to learn people's names.I know some people have a blindness to faces, but the more technology is used as a proxy for actual ability, the more of a problem it's going to be.
ET3D: Considering that Google doesn't allow such applications, I'm not too worried about that.
F4LL0UT: What Google says and what Google does are two different things. After all, even organizations that were legally bound to respect their users' privacy have also been giving sensitive data to intelligence agencies. The crappiest thing would be if some secretive organizations actually did get to use Google's technology this way while the public weren't aware of that. Plus Google generally has a "we do because we can" philosophy and additionally tends to accuse others of evil practices while following them themselves. Promising that this use of Google Glass will not be possible for ethical reasons, while it's technically perfectly possible, isn't quite enough to convince me that
nobody is ever going to use it. All I'm sure of is that the average consumer isn't going to be able to do it out of the box.
I agree here totally. They have a history of looking for ways of getting as much personal information as possible. I don't see any reason why they would exclude GG from this in the long term. I'd expect them to wait until people are used to the technology of the glasses being around before they change that policy.