DCT: Yup Talisman, seems Games Workshop has been getting companies to produce Digital versions of their games well outside of Blood Bowl, such as Space hulk and Chainsaw Warrior. Keep in mind though that the giveaway is for the Single player only version Talisman:Prologue and not the full 4 player one which is Talisman: Digital which I may do a giveaway for in November or December.
Potzato: Oh !
I just read the information on the video you linked and realized the distinction.
I will retract my entry in fact because I have no interest in the single player version, sorry for the confusion I just did not know Talisman was in developpement and you really got me by surprise ;)
Bottom line : I will probably just buy it with my brothers right away, so thank you anyway and count me out of your kind giveaway (for the sake of clatity I won't edit my previous post).
it's all good, if you get the full four player version(talisman digital) you also get Prologue which is the solo single player only version for free anyway but since it is in active development/early access the online component isn't there yet but it will support online play when it's fully finished though
DCT: Yup Talisman, seems Games Workshop has been getting companies to produce Digital versions of their games well outside of Blood Bowl, such as Space hulk and Chainsaw Warrior. Keep in mind though that the giveaway is for the Single player only version Talisman:Prologue and not the full 4 player one which is Talisman: Digital which I may do a giveaway for in November or December.
Rodzaju: Chainsaw warrior is a PC game now?
How did I miss that?!!?
I spotted Talisman on Steam yesterday & instantly wishlisted both versions.
I'm now off to search out Chainey....
yeah as I told Potzo if you get the digital edition of Talisman(which is the full 1-4 player version) you get Prologue for free. As for Chainsaw Warrior, yeah it came out a week or two ago for 4.99