Psyringe: This was fun to play back in the 90s. :)
And I probably played the same game that Protoss was referring to:
King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok.
Protoss: Nope, I only had some DOS game with minimalist graphics and a (decent) AI.
That still sounds like the game I linked. ;) But perhaps we differ in our understanding of "Minimalist graphics". :)
In any case, if you don't know the game I linked to, try it. :) It was nicely done imho. There was a (sort of) campaign mode with successively more difficult adversaries. I don't remember a multiplayer component though (but I wouldn't remember it if it had been there either, so ...).
@AFnord: Thanks for mentioning Hnefatafl! I always wondered if the DOS game I played was based on an actual board game - it seemed that way, but I couldn't find it out at the time. :)