darthspudius: Here is one for the parents on this forum.
So according to my sons primary school I am expected to shell out £200 to buy some touch screen tablet computer for my son. Is this common practice in school these days? What ever happens to the pencil?!
Are they telling you it has to be certain tablet model, or anything goes (like iPad, Android or WinRT)? Did they elaborate why it would have to be a tablet, and not e.g. some cheap laptop, or alternatively merely a smartphone?
Is it some private school? Because if public primary schools here started requiring unemployed parents to buy 250€ equipment for their kids at school, there would be a huge outcry. So if a tablet was really a requirement, then either the government would have to buy them to all kids, or more likely the kids would borrow tablets from the school (ie. the school has to buy enough of them for all pupils).
The public schools here are supposed to free for all children (and their parents), including meals, books etc. I think high school (from 16 years old up) is the first time here when you have to e.g. pay for your school books.
Smannesman: Perhaps it has something to do with preparing them to comfortably use increasingly common technology?
Sure, but at least here I'd expect then the school to buy (and loan) that needed equipment to all the kids.
I'm surprised if it is different in e.g. Netherlands, I've always considered it as a similar "nanny state" as e.g. the Nordic countries.