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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

If you’re itching for a mature, classic point-and-click adventure game, today is your lucky day! We’d like remind you about a golden gem of adventure games from the era when the genre was almost already forgotten - meet [url=]The Longest Journey. The game created by Funcom is not only one of the best adventure titles ever created, it’s a piece of video game art! The 91 out of 100 score on Metacritic is one of many proofs for that. As a young woman, April Ryan, you’ll be switching between two parallel words: Arcadia - the world of fantasy and magic, and Stark - ruled by the strict science and technology. It seems that these two worlds are slowly merging, and April is the only one who help restore the natural order of thing. That’s a truly epic story, with truly epic characters for a truly epic price - today you can grab The Longest Journey for 60% off.

Don’t waste time, grab The Longest Journey for only $3.99 and enjoy one of the best games ever. The promo on this game ends tomorrow, July 20 at 5:59 a.m. EDT (9:59 a.m. GMT). If you already own this title or it’s just not your type of game, be sure to check back tomorrow for another Summer Gem Promo!
DrIstvaan: That's a free code for the game. Put it in the right order if no one has done so yet!
Oooh right, thanks and kodos for doing that.

Its not my type of game so will let someone else figure it out but reading the comments for the last 11 promos it will certainly make a lot of people happy here :)

Top marks to GOG as usual
Already have a physical copy. I would recommend it to friends, but they are all on Windows 7 and the game card says nothing of Windows 7 support... Still pondering...
Yesterday - Lords of the Realm!
Today - The Longest Journey!

You really want to ruin me, right?

(I will have to stop visiting this site until the end of this month!)
for those with windows 7 like me, just been on the forum for this game and most people are running this on windows 7 32 and 64 bit with no problems. some have had tiny problems which have been easily fixed. so i would say get it, if your on the fence because of 7.

So frustrating! Why can't I buy this game a fifth time!?
5 CD case, winter of '99,
5 CD Platinum case in 2003 after losing the others.
ANOTHER 5 CD platinum case as a gift to a friend in 2004
Good Old Games version
Steam version

I mean, it's WORTH another purchase, no doubt about it...

Edit: And it works pretty much flawlessly on win7.
Get it. Get it twice.
Post edited July 19, 2011 by Isamael
My #1 adventure game. ^^
I already own it on CDs and on steam so i'll pass, but if you haven't played it yet do yourself a favor and buy it :) Amazing game.
Ooh, very tempting. No Wine compatibility is a little disappointing (Primarily a Mac user), but this game HAS been interesting me for quite some time, and now seems like the time to pick it up!
At last :) The Longest Journey!!!!...

...that and Syberia are the TOP ADVENTURE GAMES OF ALL TIME...

'nough said 8).. yourselves a favour and BUY IT...NOW!...(unless you already own it :P )

So frustrating! Why can't I buy this game a fifth time!?
5 CD case, winter of '99,
5 CD Platinum case in 2003 after losing the others.
ANOTHER 5 CD platinum case as a gift to a friend in 2004
Good Old Games version
Steam version

I mean, it's WORTH another purchase, no doubt about it...

Edit: And it works pretty much flawlessly on win7.
Get it. Get it twice.
You do know you can gift games, right? Just watch out, if you're not careful you might just make somebody very happy. :P

(...but you wouldn't make me happy. I already have it. Find somebody else!)
Hardly a "hidden" gem, but a gem none the less.

My retail copy works fine on Win 7 fwiw.
F1ach: Hardly a "hidden" gem
I concur. Being on the 31st spot (upper 10%) of the overall best-selling list doesn't seem very much like the game is not getting any attention ;)
Aaand another game I don't want.

The games I want will be released when I go on holiday, of course. Curse Murphy and his stupid law.
Damn, four "gems" in a row that I already have... no joy for me.
I had forgotten I already owned this from GOG (bought it for the music which is great, I just wish it was at a higher bitrate than 192kbps) from a prior sale, really must get around to playing it. Once I've completed Fallout 3 first and ... :)
Post edited July 19, 2011 by tarasis
