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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it’s easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We’ve been running one day “Gaming Gem” promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don’t get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur’s Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we’re going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we’re going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Summer rolls along, and so does our Hidden Gem Extravaganza sale, so here's another treat for you! With this title on 60% off, you get an especially good package from us. Pick up [url=]Knights & Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom and the expansion The Peasants Rebellion for only 2.39$ for the next 24 hours.

The year is somewhere around 1000 AD, the location somewhere in the territory which we call the United Kingdom. You’re a captain of the last troop of loyalists which defend the last province of your Sire. Now the King needs you! The nation has been divided and the last hope to recreate the monarchy is you. From the same lead programmer as the Settlers series comes Knights and Merchants, certainly an improvement in the genre of the medieval managerial strategy games. Lots of buildings to build, units to train, and weapons and food to produce. Why is food so important, you ask? You can amass a powerful army and with no cap enforced on the quantity on troops under your command the problem is all about the trivial task to feed them all. Experience the wonderful graphical treat that’s right there for you, with the beautifully drawn units and buildings on a 3D background.

Take up arms, defend your King, and play this ultimate medieval sim for just $2.39 today only. Check back tomorrow to see what our next hidden gaming gem is!
VeeTpl: As for good RTS titles:
From GOG:
Total Annihiliation, Stronghold, The Settlers II, Caesar III, Earth 21xx series, Empire Earth (series), Original War, Praetorians, Tropico

My most faves go to: Stronghold, Original War and Pratorians.
All three very fun to play and all three very unique for its genre.

But my RTS of all time is Company of Heroes. Masterpiece. Simply put.

Cheers, Gothic fan. =)

ED: IN FACT, I expect Original War to be in there! Instabuy, guys!
For me it's Total Annihilation, Knights and Merchants, Warcraft 2, Dark Colony (SC, RA..) and yeah, for me is Company of Heroes best too. I have all three of them.

Not just gothic fan, but yes:P Cheers:)
I'll just wait for System Shock. It has to get here this summer. It just has to! :)
Interesting game, but will skip for now.
I like Warcraft 2 does I should like this one?
apoc17: I like Warcraft 2 does I should like this one?
I would say this game is most likely to be fun for THE SETTLERS players.

I will describe why. Because there is a chain of production (woodcutter -> sawmill ) etc etc.

Your workers have to eat, your troops have to eat. To create a troop you need a recruit and weapons he needs.

But the game is more focused on combat that The Settlers. Tactics is everything in this game. Depending on tactics you may win a battle with smaller forces than your opponents, as well as you may be scattered by smaller computers army.
Aaaaand another game already have... My wallet doesn't complain though.

Fun game. Close to settlers, but more combat oriëntated and bigger focus on food. Killing enemy serfs with food and thus starving the enemy knights too death. Great times in multiplayer :D
Hmm looks like it could be fun, but I'm broke until my claim for incapacity benefit is finalised and approved, damn you gog and your sales like this happening when I'm completely brassic *shakes fist at*
apoc17: I like Warcraft 2 does I should like this one?
keeveek: I would say this game is most likely to be fun for THE SETTLERS players.

I will describe why. Because there is a chain of production (woodcutter -> sawmill ) etc etc.

Your workers have to eat, your troops have to eat. To create a troop you need a recruit and weapons he needs.

But the game is more focused on combat that The Settlers. Tactics is everything in this game. Depending on tactics you may win a battle with smaller forces than your opponents, as well as you may be scattered by smaller computers army.
Look like Stronghold Serie whit no castle building...
Yeah, Stronghold is also a good comparison, but The Settlers are more accurate (it even looks like The Settlers :P).
Post edited July 10, 2011 by keeveek
3 - 1

Yey! A quick check on Youtube to see what it was like, then an instant buy.

Thank you GOG - keep 'em coming :)
I played the demo of this a while back and it reminded me a lot of the first Warcraft game, but I remember having a lot more fun playing Warcraft than the demo of this. xP

If you have a lot of patience then you might be able to use some strategy. Units move slow as molasses. If you can get past all this then you might enjoy KaM.

Hopefully I'll see something I want from this hidden gems promo. The last game I purchased from GOG was Kingpin, and I feel cheated even at the $3 sale price. >.<

At least now I've learned to check the three most recent reviews, rather than thinking the 3 most "helpful" reviews are what I should go by.
Post edited July 10, 2011 by PaladinHeart
acemarch: Hmm looks like it could be fun, but I'm broke until my claim for incapacity benefit is finalised and approved, damn you gog and your sales like this happening when I'm completely brassic *shakes fist at*
PM me your email address while this is on sale so I can help out.

SimpleUser: 3 - 1

Yey! A quick check on Youtube to see what it was like, then an instant buy.

Thank you GOG - keep 'em coming :)
Gawd, I don't know why I didn't think to check Youtube before buying some of these games, not that I've regretted any yet. Thanks for the tip.

I admit I like the idea of this game, but this will be the first I'll be passing on in this Hidden Gem Sale--too big of a backlog and not enough patience for a game like this.
Again something I already own. Since GOG clearly doesn't want my money, I'll go somewhere where they will want to empty my purse and take both kidneys. For exmple on Stea....oh no, I won't do it. Let's wait for another day.
acemarch: Hmm looks like it could be fun, but I'm broke until my claim for incapacity benefit is finalised and approved, damn you gog and your sales like this happening when I'm completely brassic *shakes fist at*
Khalaq: PM me your email address while this is on sale so I can help out.

Wow, thanks man, I PM'd you my email addy. Thanks again, you're a legend!