All messages have been sent.
Rule update:
From now on, you can give order for up to 6 moves per day (including trasure hunt).
The Moves will be executed in the order they are posted (can be in one post or splittet up).
If a move you want to do is not possible, it will be skipped.
An example:
your commands are
- east
- treasure hunt
- east
- north
With your first step you go east, after that you will search for the treasure. Unfortunately, you can't move on to the east, so this step is skipped you you will move on to the north.
(There is no alternative when a move has to be skipped, it is just lost).
If a move has to be skipped, you will be informed in your day-summary.
Day 10 has been started
Please make your move sin the next 48 hours