sroz0: Can you had me pls to the gog steamgift :)
Here is my profile pls had me to gog gifting group the rules of the group are pretty clear? Did you have a look before you posted here, lol? Firstly there are some conditions you need to meet to join such as the fact that they require you to not be a newly registered user. You also need to have rep here. Having said that, even if you meet those conditions, as csmith said above, the group is not accepting new members right now.
lukaszthegreat: today i won Day of defeat (which is not very optimistic title). yay me.
and gog gifting club is gone? i would like to donate HL1 after 8th of january and would prefer to do it for our little community.
csmith: Congrats!
The GOG Gift Club is not gone. I just
posted a game for the group today. The group is just not accepting new members at this time.
Hmm that is a shame really :( was looking forward to joining :)