tfishell: So, um, why is he being downvoted? :-/ For using all caps? (because that seems kinda silly)
I downrepped him. Let me explain:
1. ALL CAPS thread title. This is just bad form.
2. Meaningless thread title. STEAM OR DESURA. Not even a question mark or anything behind indication of it is supposed to be a question, statement or whatever.
3. Outside link without explanation. Spam. Clear and simple. And no "Steam for me" is not an explanation. I could spent time to deduct what he actually meant by that whole rubbish thread, but why bother?
4. New Member, possibly a SPAM account or troll. Many newcomers have introduced themselves here and we are quite welcome to newcomers. But at least some standard should be maintained by newcomers. I wouldn't have downrepped a single post with this quality, but creating a thread and making and unexplained outside link got him the "point".
Downreppinng has no negative impact but might show him that this is not that standard of quality this forum adheres to. If this is how he intends to behave like this from no on generally on this forum, then he should expect to get downrepped from me quite often.