Antimateria: I didn't know that you could make a folder for crap. Good thing though.. I'm full of crap. =/
Incidentaly I have a Steam Category labeled "Crap" already.
There are about twenty games in it.
I can't wait until market allows us to begin listing games out of our library.
I'll put 'em up for grabs at thirty cents each.
carnival73: Ha ha - yeah "Trippy" or "Psychadelic"
fr33kSh0w2012: Yep they are ANALLY slow I download with the downloader and it is under 100mbp/s takes three days to download the witcher 2: Assasins of kings = THREE DAYS! why do you think I'm always pissed off to the Max.
You might want to pull some freeware cleaners from CNET and see if something is clogging your bandwidth.
I can usually pull one gig per hour both on Steam or GOG and I'm not too far from you.