Fenixp: What *is* wrong with Voyager, anyway? I am currently enjoying it more than DS9. Keep in mind I am currently watching it, 3rd season to be precise, so please no spoilers. While I can't stand Felix, I'm really liking it.
His name is Neelix. He is mostly intolerable. Star Trek's track record with comedy has been ... dubious at best. There were some good jokes and even some good comedic episodes. However, most of the time, the "humour" if you wanna call it that, feels really forced and kinda stiff. It's not surprising then that a mostly comedic Trek character is anything but funny.
Then there's the rest of the cast, which is one of the show's major problems. They're incredibly bland for the most part. I watched the entire show, and Chakotay, Harry Kim, B'elanna Torres, Kes (most of the time at least) and Tom Paris are simply not interesting, and they hardly develop as characters throughout the entire show. IMO, those guys can't hold a candle to the DS9 cast. Heck, even the supporting cast on DS9 were more interesting to me than most of the Voyager crew. The only characters I genuinely liked on VOY were the Doc and Seven of Nine.
What else is wrong with it? In a nutshell, It mostly felt like a poor man's TNG with a lot of potential wasted in favor of playing it safe. Whenever Voyager introduced something that was new and exciting, the show writers almost never really used it. There a lot of good ideas in the show that ultimately led nowhere, unfortunately. DS9 is flawed, to be sure, but at least the authors had the courage to try something different.
Having said all this, if you're in 3rd season, then you are about to see some of VOYs best episodes, which are genuinely good. Look forward to "Scorpion" and many other good episodes in season 4.