viperfdl: Before you exit the Metro and enter Moscow you can buy filters for the gas mask. You also find occasionally filters in the town.
Fenixp: Well you wouldn't have to run if you bought enough filters now, would you :-P Altho I have to admit, the game should have told you about their importance beforhead. Well it did, but ... It should have punched you in the face with the information :D
When I say that I have to "run" through a level, you have to see this in relation to how I'm normally playing ;)
I have bought two filters in Market station and found some filters right after coming out of the metro. The small number next to the mask symbol says 34 (which I understand represents the minutes of breathing time from all of your filters combined). Seems that the maximum is around 40 (wikis and walkthroughs say you can't collect more filters when you hit 40, so you can get a little more if you get a good filter when you have 39 left), so I'm not far away from max. filters. This could be a lot of time (haven't finished the level yet), but I know myself and my playstyle... I'm
really slow!
I easily get sucked into a game with an intense atmosphere (and Metro IS intense so far). I forget time when I'm searching for items under every desk, or when I look at the environment. Before I realized what the limited filters and the single autosave mean, I wasted a few minutes with hiding from the demons and watching them... I just misjudged what kind of game Metro 2033 is. But that's because I don't read a lot about a game before I'm playing it (too much spoiling and hating on most gaming sites). I just started to play and was taken by surprise when the significance of filters and the lack of savegames hit me.
I'll play through Metro anyway, but it's just not what my gaming mood is right now.
Oh, one more thing:
Fenixp: It should have punched you in the face with the information :D
Normally I don't like when a game tells you too exactly what you have to do, but in this case they really should have added a little notification (or better: a full screen pop up). Something like "
We're not kidding! Buy those goddamned filters NOW!", because I always ignore those tutorialistic (wtf!?) "You should buy some healing potions" dialogues that every game has in it's first two hours. I just bought the filters because it was necessary to proceed in the story :P