here i have some good space rpgs the other people before me have not mentioned yet: When they are sold by gog.com i mentioned it, when not you can google for them.
Star control 2 The Ur Quan Masters: real space rpg, you control a space ship and explore the galaxy. Fights are arcadish, you can upgrade your space ship. Where to find it for free. Real free it is freeware
http://sc2.sourceforge.net/. But you should by the gog.com version too, because you can.
Elite 3d FPS Space sim with trading, fighting, exploring.
Wing Commander
Privateer -> gog.com 3d Space shooter/sim with trading and upgrading
Freelancer Space shooter with trading and upgrading, quests etc.
Space Ranger 1 You pilot your ship through the galaxfighting a big threat, upgrade your ship, solve quests, trade, fight, solve text adventures.
Space Ranger 2 -> gog.com
Dark Star One. -> gog.com
If you don't mind roleplaying a whole race, you could count
Master of Orion as Space RPG. -> Gog.com
Dark Spore. Spacey Hack and Slay with Spore Creatures. Meh for fans.
Space Hack. Hacknslay in space. Google it.
Hard Nova. Old school but fun.
Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday, Buck Rogers Matrix Cube.
Wizardry 7 Hardcoredungeonblobber with Alien races and scifi plot.
persona series on playstation 3
Xeno Blade on WII
Hellgate London Fight daemons in the ruins of london. 3d Hack n slay, very good. Recently free to play.
Gearhead. Roguelike with Mechs Free.
Doom RL Roguelike in Doom setting.
Planet Stronghold Mass effect in 2d, JRPG.
Anachronox on gog.com Very good scifi rpg. But the fights can be a little bit tedious. Simple character progression, simple itemization, but very good setting and nice characters. Good game. In which game you can control a planet?
Fallout, Jagged alliance do i mention only to satisfy murphies law.
Edit: X-Com Enemy unknown. Tactic game with RPG elements and many rocket propelled grenades.
Edit: Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate X-com clone with awesome space marines.
Eve Online :) 3d Space MMOSPRPTG Massive multiplayer online ship-perspective roleplayingtradinggame with monthly fee.
Yes i do like Rpgs in Space settings.
Have a nice day