MaximumBunny: Random question - audiophiles make it seem like you need to buy the $100,000 setup or you may as well be listening to everything through a plastic cup.
At what price range does spending money on a dedicated sound system make sense? Whatever the most basic and affordable "this is good coming from onboard and cheap speakers" is honestly. I'd take a youtube video guide on it too. :P
Just make sure you use the Monster cables with the arrows on them so that the electrons know which way to flow. :-P
Anyways, most of what audiophiles say is complete bunk. These days a lot of the onboard sound cards are quite good and certainly good enough unless you're going to be investing in top quality speakers.
I suppose some of the discrete sound cards have accelerator chips in them that can reduce the stuttering during intense game play, but other than that, I haven't been tempted to upgrade the onboard sound in years.