Wishbone: If by "legitimate customers" you mean "people who only intend to use their PS3 in whatever way Sony wants them to at this particular point in time", then it won't bother them. However, if by "legitimate customers" you mean "people who want to get as much value as possible out of the console that cost them an arm and a leg, by engaging in perfectly legal, non-copyright-infringing activities that unfortunately are not facilitated and controlled by the Sony Corporation", then yes, it might bother them.
You can probably tell I'm not a fan of closed platforms ;-) And for the record, I don't own a PS3.
This. Verbatim.
I am firmly in the camp that thinks if you buy a piece of hardware you can do whatever the hell you want with it. If you choose to use it for copyright infringement then hey, you suck and I hope you get caught, but that has little to do with the belief that a piece of hardware I bought is mine to do with as I please.
Of course, I don't have a PS3 or iPhone because I dislike closed systems in the first place, and why people who want open systems support those companies is beyond me.