gooberking: Currently they are only doing it for three new games. Games we theoretically would not have otherwise. If they were doing it across the board then maybe I would better understand, but the idea someone would boycott the entire catalog over something that couldn't really have been considered fair in the first place seems like an over reaction, if not a little ungrateful. As it stands GOG is still the best shop buy from, and if they can't earn someone's dollars, then there really isn't anywhere else to go. There may be other shops that haven't recently pissed people off, but they sure won't have any better values to be rewarding if that is what the point is.
I'm sorry for people that get screwed a bit in this, and I'm sorry it's probably not a super popular or sensitive thing to say, but if one has to choose battles then regional pricing wasn't one worth fighting if is keeping games off the store. Maybe Gog would have been better off never trying flat pricing or making a big deal about it, but I'm personally interested in seeing if there is a positive side of this in terms of greater content. For their sake there better be some humdingers lined up, because they are paying a price for the opportunity.
Right, and theoretically, could cause doors to fly open on a bunch of titles that we might not ever have otherwise. There's a reason why sites like Desura stay small, guys. You cannot have your cake and eat it too, and to maintain stances that rigid is like slamming the door on titles many of you will then turn around and lament not having. Granted, this is conjecture and hints from the Blues, but the real irony is that you guys are still holding a grudge over the shut down marketing stunt.
I think people need to stop holding GOG to impossible standards. Again, neither they, nor you, can have your cake and eat it too. Some concessions may need to be made, either by GOG, or by the customers. If you're willing to stop complaining about the titles they can't get, in exchange for continued flat pricing, that COULD be what the trade off IS, folks. If you just want to maintain the indie hipster image for GOG, that's fine, but accept that some properties will never be here in theory because of rigidity over a standard which isn't even their number one stance.
That being said, I live in the US, and I buy most of my games during sales. This doesn't effect me, but I feel for those that it does.