The good news is it's free so there is no harm in trying. I will say it's not the easiest modeler to use, nor the one with the most potential. It feels very technical in comparison to most of what else is out there. I once had been able to get a few things done, and have since returned only to find out I can't remember how to do much of anything. A problem I haven't had with others. It's just a little bit different than everything else.
There are a number of skill sets and aspects of 3D content one can get into. Actual modeling, lighting, UV mapping, animation. Question is what is the most appealing? If it's modeling then maybe Sculptris is worth a try.
if it's animation, and rendering then maybe DAZ Studio. I can also say that Daz's Carrara is a good starter render program if you can score it for a 150$-200$. Anything more than that and I think Modo would blow it away. Though I haven't tried it, just seen the results.
Obviously you probably aren't interested in the pay stuff just yet, but now you have a couple of names.