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There are a lot of games on Steam that are utterly broken, not always DRM though and Steam isn't doing anything about it except filling their pockets but they should stop selling these games until the developers fix them.
GabiMoro: I don't know if admiting you pirated one of their games was such a good idea.

Even if you have paid for it they could still consider it an offense, not to mention that during download you probably also uploaded the game (or some bits of it) to other users.
in the UK it only classifies as file sharing and is not an offense.
serial uploaders and those who profiteer are classed as pirates, however.
GabiMoro: .....
I made the mistake of buying GTA collection on Steam (GTA 4 + Episodes + GTA 1, GTA 2, GTA 3 etc). I don't know why I did this, I'm not a GTA fan by any means. Indeed there were a lot of DRM. I'll never buy another Rockstar game again.
Yeah, I made the same mistake. It was just a couple of €, but still I got such a headache from making the games work it's unbelievable.

@ 011284mm - Your letter makes a good point about DRM and how it hurts the game/game developers/sales... but I guess they're really going to send it just to the recycle bin upon reading the first two sentences. Unless you make it more publicly open and get a large support group that stands behind you
011284mm: Snip
Now i dread how the Steam version of GTA V might end up.

And Now I am more worried off Far Cry 3 on Steam if I ever get it.

But what do you expect getting a game with SecuROM.
you said it man
Well Rockstar got back to me. The support member promised to "pass your suggestion along to the development team for review", so only time can ever tell.

011284mm: Snip
Elmofongo: Now i dread how the Steam version of GTA V might end up.

And Now I am more worried off Far Cry 3 on Steam if I ever get it.

But what do you expect getting a game with SecuROM.
I would love to say "don't blame me", but what the hell. Lets blame me for this one.
The_Evoker: you said it man
He make his mama proud !
A Rockstar game developer asks a capitalist investor what they should do to combat piracy. The investor who was a little bit deaf, thought the developer asked him how they could 'encourage' piracy. The investor, removing the oversized cigar from his mouth said, "ok we will get our boys working on some new DRM for you right away, and that should definitely have the desired effect". Then the investor leans forward and says "and anyone who had any thoughts that this would not be the effect would be a complete and utter brain dead moron, Hahahaha".
So, just in case somebody knows the answer to my problem...

A couple of months ago I had to uninstall my GTA4 and GTA:EFLC games (both Steam with SecuROM DRM) from my PC because of a motherboard failure and I had to replace it. Changing hardware also meant that I had to manually revoke both games after that because Steam doesn't do it. Long story short, I know how to run those games without GFWL & Steam with visual improvements LEGIT, no piracy involved, but for single player only. But SecuROM is a real ****ing pain in the a** and I don't want to taint my new system with that s*** (>_<). I haven't reinstalled those games because of that DRM.

Does somebody know how to install them without or bypassing SecuROM and without the use of a cracked EXE? I don't want that, I just want to reinstall the games without SecuROM but without the help of piracy. I read somewhere long ago that there was a way to do that with an edit in the Windows registry or something like that, but that was way after I already had installed the games with SecuROM...

( Many thanks in advance. )
Post edited November 13, 2014 by Azrael360
man i regret missing out on the old gta collection on steam store :( the gta collection offered now does not contain gta 1 and gta 2 , my favorite games in the whole series they have been removed from the store for over a year now sigh.

TANKS a lot rockstar

still despite what the issues with the drm , i would still not pirate the game to spite the makers , there is always a way

here is what i did for gta 4 complete , since my laptop would not handle it and downloading would be a pain , i went ahead and bought the ps3 version , works sweet no drm , the complete version disk has everything so it was some sweet gta 4 being played for a long time with no issues.
Post edited November 07, 2014 by liquidsnakehpks
I see on Steam that people are already talking about not buying Ravens Cry cos of the secondary DRM and pirating the game, because the DRM causes problems with the game, This causies grief for legitimate purchasers (cos it's on Steam already ffs), yet the pirate copy will be drm free, so essentially illegitimate users will have a superior version of the game.

When will they learn?.
I still need to play my legitimate GTA4 copy because of Securom. Also I wasted two installations because I changed my PC. I mean, after all those years, just remove DRM from those games. New GTA5 has Denuvo DRM, and this COULD be ok if they remove it after x years. So if someone wants to buy the game, he needs to wait to enjoy a game without DRM.

Of course if they don't put DRM at all it would be fantastic, but we are talking about Rockstar, the company that got a lot on rants about GTA4, still hasn't removed Securom and GFWL (when pretty much all software house are removing them, like the one for Red Faction Guerrilla yesterday) from their games.
Thanks for the post.

Keep tilting at windmills and someday you'll kill one.