Lone3wolf: TBH, I find Iain Banks' work rather dull.
Coelocanth: Really? And yet you like David Brin? Don't get me wrong, as I like Brin as well, but I find Banks a much better read, especially his earlier Culture novels (Consider Phlebas, Use of Weapons, The Player of Games, Excession).
Interesting how tastes differ.
Yep those are really good ones imo. I'd also recommend "Look to Windward" in this context.
Player of games might be the best one as a introduction to the Culture.
In the fantasy genre, an adolectent part of me i never let go. Check a book series like the Kingkiller Chronicles. author: something Rothfuss
Scifi you wouldn't want to miss the "In her name" triology by Michael Hicks for a different perspective. Those who have read them will know what I mean. (look them up on amazon)