P1na: It's snowing over here! Due to different reasons, I hadn't seen any snow in a couple of years. And as annoying as it ends up, I kinda missed it.
How often do you guys see the snow? And would you miss it?
Is it proper powdery snow, or that annoying watery snow (slush, sleet, whatever the English speaking world calls them, we call them "loska", "räntä" or "suoja(keli)") when the temperatures are near 0 Celsius degrees?
I hate the melting watery snow, it is the worst kind of weather I know (besides maybe real floods up to your neck). As for the powdery frosty snow that is light as a feather (you can practically blow it off your car, as if it was covered with tiny feathers), I miss it if I don't see it in the winter. Must be colder than -5 Celsius or so for that, closer to -10 is better (like right now here).
And Heathrow airport missing lots of flights due to 8cm of snow... LOL! Ok, I guess the airport does not want to invest on snow ploughs since there is not supposed to be much of snow in GB.