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Im for Etherlords 1, Etherlords 2 and Harvester, thanks.

favourite mythological monster - Hydra
favourite superhero - Scarlet Witch
vražda - murder in Slovak
Post edited March 13, 2014 by triock
Great giveaway on a great occasion!

In for Harvester -- violent word: æresdrap (Norwegian for honor killing).
In for Harvester, please ;-) Thank-you to the anonymous gifter!

Defenestration: noun, the act of throwing a thing or especially a person out of a window: the defenestration of the commissioners at Prague.

~While Prague isn't exactly in Poland ;-p, at least we don't have to defenestrate the GOG administration now! I was shocked and pleased to see this news ;-D

In for Harvester, apparently the above means desecrate in Bosnian. +1

Edit: Also in for Enclave, I'd always been fond of those medieval spiked flails - they look wickedly deadly but seem like they're be hard to control, a recipe for disaster.
Post edited March 12, 2014 by undeadcow
I'd like to enter for undeadcow, please. Thanks also to the anonymous donor.

I like the French expression for blood bath, bain de sang; it sounds very musical when you say it aloud :D
Awesome giveaway!! I +1! am in
May I in for this titles?

Etherlords 1 - Medusa
Etherlords 2 - Goku
Enclave it's hard to choose. Maybe the kopis
Harvester - Estaquear, acribillar, descuartizar.
Post edited March 11, 2014 by nicohvc
Thank you for the excellent giveaway! Please count me in for:

Etherlords 2 - My favorite superhero has pretty much always been Batman, ever since I was just a wee child.
Enclave - My favorite weapon would have to be the Shinobigatana, I wish I had one!

Thanks again, now go get some sleep! ;P
Thanks for the giveaway! In for Harvester, though I'm already afraid to play it: my word is kallonmurtuma, which is skull fracture in Finnish.
edit: typo
Post edited March 11, 2014 by DProject
Updated my entry to be in for Thespian*, if that is okay. Thanks again!
Cool give away! +1 Rep to you Sir! (Or madam!)

And if any GOG staff are reading, "Getting back to our roots" just made my day! Rock on! ^_^
Post edited March 13, 2014 by SpellSword
harvester ! Schädelficken
I'm in for Harvester, thanks!

Hi, I'll try these in order:
1- Harvester (assassino = murderer in Italian)
2- Enclave (modern weapon? Umm, I guess AK47)

Thanks and Hooray for GOG!
Post edited March 11, 2014 by phaolo
Thank you!!!
I'm in for Enclave, (oh dear Fortuna, may you smile to me this time!!!)
I like this monstrosity, although its not a weapon per see, probably a ceremonial one, I still like it.
Momo1991: Defenestration: noun, the act of throwing a thing or especially a person out of a window: the defenestration of the commissioners at Prague.
Actually it's 'defenestracja' in slavic languages :) //or at least in Polish.
One that took place in Prague - those defenestrated guys were caesar's emissaries. They were, if I remember correctly, not killed in the process :) But legend says they landed on a pile of dung ;)
Post edited March 11, 2014 by Novotnus