darkness58ec: Thanks all for the comments. They have helped. And thanks for the b day wishes too! I think I am really geared up for Skyrim now (and my system will probably handle that better). Witcher 2 one day, but I am just too excited for Skyrim. So Skyrim it is!
you ask for a suggestion and majority of people tell you to get TW2.
Yet you decide to get skyrim.
Of course there is nothing wrong with your choice. but why ask if you don't follow the advice :)
or did you ask that question on beths forum?
PenutBrittle: I'm not saying Notch is lying, but he is only telling his side of the story. I don't even blame him for that, he has a vested monetary interest in making his side more believable. But you can't decide who's in the right based on facts provided by one of the two parties involved.
Beth being quite about that does not help the situation. They should make official statement when that went public. They did not as far as I know. So screw them.