timppu: That's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't answer to things that have been bugging me forever:
1. What's with those old Bond movies with their
bobsled scenes? More often than not, Bond seemed to end up in some place where there is a bobsled track, and maybe even an ongoing competition ongoing there.
2. What's with the bad guys (or the protagonist, if he is running away from something) always trying to get to the roof when escaping something? If I suddenly got an urge to escape, my first thought definitely wouldn't be to try to climb some tall building in order to jump from rooftops to rooftops. Heck, at least here were I live, there is like a 50 m gap there to jump. Yet, in quite many movies they are constantly running on rooftops.
And 3. Why spend millions developing a faster two-man bobsled when a cello case is clearly the way to go?