AlKim: How's this for an idea: tell us how much the sodding games cost in addition to how much less they cost than they normally would.
Because currency conversion and tax. That said, I spent a fair bit of time calculating my estimates of the prices (I didn't bother recalculating VAT, so take with a pinch of salt), and I'll repost them here:
Tidalis £3.21 with code: SMTG
Planet Stronghold £7.20 with code: SMTG
Evochron Mercenary $15.00
Frayed Knights: The Skull of S'makh-Daon £15.85 with code: SHOW GAMES
Mr Robot £5.98 with code robotgirl
Frozen Synapse $10 for a two pack, $14 with soundtrack + bonus game with code: SHOWMETHESYNAPSE
Space Pirates & Zombies £7.51 with code SPAWESOME
Word Pirate £5.98 with code parrot
Revenge Of The Titans £5.47
Gratuitous Space Battles £8.10 with code SMTGGSB01
Scoregasm £3.21
VVVVVV £1.61
Magical Diary: Horse Hall $12.48 with code: BYRB000AE
AI War: Alien Bundle £9.64 with code SMTG (code also works on the individual games)
Solium Infernum £8.47 with code: SHOWME
Smugglers IV £14.97 with code: SMTG
Starscape £5.98 with code stargirl
Project Aftermath £3.21 with code SHOWMETHEGAMES
Laxius Force III - The Last Stand $14.42
TV Manager 2 £16.77
Hotlinks and wotnot
yonder to Reddit land.