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Spinorial: I don't get the point of rebooting a one-title franchise. Is there even anything to reboot? The IP will mean nothing to the new generation, while changing the basics of the original is likely to piss off its fans. I have much hope and respect for the Hard Reset devs, but I'd have been more comfortable with a sequel or a "spiritual successor".
Why not? Who cares if it means nothing to the new generation? I respect FWH for moving on to a new franchise, even if it only ends up being one reboot. We don't always need sequels, and this seems like a match made in heaven. I fucking loved Hard Reset.
ucfalumknight: My only concern is the script.
FWH nabbed one of the lead writers from TW2. The script should be much better than Hard Reset.
Post edited May 09, 2013 by scampywiak
SCPM: For the Duke and Shadow Warrior Steam releases they were working with a team known as General Arcade (here's a link to one of the members' profile on another forum). Now with Shadow Warrior they're working with Flying Wild Hogs, and they have other development studios that they publish games for like Croteam and Dennaton. I have no idea when or how Devolver got the IP rights to do this, Duke's rights seemed to be divided between at least 4 studios now?
I know what you mean about reboots in general, but that is the point, to try a new direction. At least, we still have the originals, so even a bad reboot can't ruin those.
Kristian: No the Duke rights are divided between 3D Reams(which is still very much an active company, see my post here) which has the rights to all Duke games released or in production prior to DNF as well the movie rights to the franchise and Gearbox who has the rights to DNF and all future games. As far as I can tell Devolver Digital haven't bought the Shadow Warrior IP but are working with 3D Realms on this(they own the domain for one thing). But what if any role 3D Realms has in this is not officially confirmed.
I think Devolver actually does own SW now, even the publisher on GOG lists Devolver.

Also, 3D Realms is like, one person, that being George Broussard.
I don't know if these people can pull it off but at least, they aren't Gearbox so there is a chance this game will be good... We wont have to suffer a Shadow Warrior Forever...with the kind of enemy AI found in Aliens Colonial Marines...
Post edited May 10, 2013 by langurmonkey
"What we've tried to do here is create a lot of that humor and still have those one-liners... but put together a character that starts off rather immature, and as [Bartkowicz] puts it, is a little bit of a douchebag at the start, but you kind of see him transform over time," Lowrie said. "But one thing we did take out was a lot of the cheap jokes that had a lot of racial stereotyping and kind of sexist jokes," replacing them with "a little smarter comedy than the cheap ones that were in there."
And another thing ruined by political correctness.

Nah, I get where they're coming from, and as long as it's fun, bring it on.
I can understand wanting to change the humor a bit. They don't want it to turn into another Duke Nukem Forever that had just terrible jokes, memes, pop culture references, etc.
I hate dark gritty fps games, i prefer them full of inmature jokes, cliches and toilet puns. Like the first shadow warrior. Not like DNF, though, that game tried to be like that, tried too hard, and failed.
Post edited May 20, 2013 by drmlessgames
It's usually a bad sign for the humor of anything if its maker describes it as smart or smarter than X. Almost as bad as telling people that you're really funny.
The problem is that Shadow Warrior was Shadow Warrior because of the humor in the game. Granted there are other aspects of the game that make it what it is, but the humor is a major component of what the game is. If you strip that out, all you have left is another hack n slash fps, something completely different with similar elements.

I mean, come on, you play a character named Lo Wang, whose brother is Hung Lo. How can you strip that humor out and still have the same game? It worries me even more that they mention renaming characters.

I have full confidence the game will be fun, but is it really going to be Shadow Warrior? It strikes me as them making a game with similar characteristics, but drastically different and just using the title for nostalgia. They claim they are trying to make a game in the same spirit as the original, then go on about how they are removing a major component of the game.

I'll play it, but it will make me sad :(
Post edited May 20, 2013 by Shinook

It does not bode well.

I want back the old man pervert that was Lo Wang.
Nothing to worry about, guys.

Quoting DevolverDigital:
"He's just a bit younger and more of a smartass this time around!"

..and that guy from the interview:
"a character that starts off rather immature, and as [Bartkowicz] puts it, is a little bit of a douchebag at the start, but you kind of see him transform over time"

So he transforms into a less immature and less of a douchebag Lo Wang of the original game during the new one. Hence the new game's Wang should be really terrifyingly immature, unless they're doing the marketing lie routine.

Anyway, I'm guessing he's now about 20 years old white American and hip with the kids.

Well there goes any possible interest I had in the game. I really didn't think the Flying Hog guys were a good fit for a game like Shadow Warrior, then came that bland trailer and now this. There's really nothing left of it.

Well all hope lies on the RotT reboot.