lowyhong: Thanks. I was just wondering, what tools do you use for web designing? It's been a long time, but I remember I used to use Dreamweaver, and I didn't really like it that much because, even though it was newbie friendly, it was quite limited in function
Also, how did you start off with getting people to notice your site?
Our backend is powered by WordPress, we used old-fashioned HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript, and used a separate domain for testing. I used a little bit of DreamWeaver, but mainly just manually using text editors.
How we got people to notice our site? Well, I was fortunate enough to already be an established poster in the PC Gamer community, and I was the person that sent in the most questions to the PC Gamer Podcast (probably still hold that record). I'm big friends with the editors of that magazine, and another (
Maximum PC). I was doing a podcast of my own by that time, the PC Gamer Fan Podcast, which was regularly downloaded by a lot of people. By the time the old PC Gamer boards were removed, I made Game Central, and many of the old posters migrated to the forums.
A large majority of our posters were people I met playing TF2 in the PC Gamer server.
How we got the word out to other places? Well, we're just starting that right now. I've been posting the links in several message boards, such as this one. We're gonna start Digging our best articles, and hopefully nab an exclusive story.
Having a weekly PC gaming podcasts also helps a bunch... there's hardly any regularly released PC gaming podcasts, with a laid-back-style. Which is what a lot of people want.
I guess I'm just lucky.