Pythos: So, here's the rub (and this is where I would greatly appreciate some advice), am I missing out on a great RPG experience because of my, perhaps incorrectly held, views? Or, if given the qualifications I've mentioned above, is it probably better that I skip the title?
Mentalepsy: Septerra Core is worth $2.99 if you're a fan of JRPGs, or if you just want to satisfy your curiosity. Otherwise, it probably won't do much for you. As JRPGs go it's a pretty decent one, but if you don't like that sort of game, SC won't change your mind.
The combat is, in fact, a bit flat, and is definitely not on par with Temple of Elemental Evil.
I'd say that as JRPGs go it's a dull, trite, hacked-together one made by a bunch of Japanophiles who thought blue hair would be enough to bring in the masses after FF7 hit it big.
The game only has two notable aspects: 1) it's a JRPG made by western developers, and 2) it's a JRPG that's native to the PC.
If you're a fan of JRPGs you've played better, if you're not a fan of JRPGs then this isn't going to convert you, and if you want to know what the genre is like then this isn't a good introduction to it any more than Lionheart is a good introduction to CRPGs.
Pythos, don't think because it's a western developed game that it'll somehow appeal to you more than other JRPGs. It isn't just Planescape with big eyes, it's a full on JRPG and if the genre doesn't appeal to you then I don't see what you'd find here.