mushy101: according to that guy, 95% of the potential players would never pay for his pc game
Leroux: Nah, he said "95% of our
consumers will pirate the game". Now, I'm not a native speaker but wouldn't "consumer" imply that he's talking about the people who actually bought the game? See the irony here? :D
mushy101: Let that sink in for a while, indirectly, 95% of us are pirates. The people over there have truly lost their collective shit.
Leroux: Another way to interpret the statement would be to assume that their game is not worth paying for and only an idiotic 5% fall for it ...
I LOL'd at YourBadKarma's comment below the article:
Heh, that's a great way at looking at it. :)
I cannot fathom the thinking over at ubisoft though, not so long ago they created some awesome games, both console and PC. Maybe it's the corporate reshuffling this gen has brought, or the explosion of gaming, but whatever good they brought the pc gamer crowd is disappearing, despite various upstarts and Established companies focusing more on on our side of the market.
Sure, they make pc games yet I don't think it's good business or common sense lambasting the very people you are trying to sell your product to. Are they staffed with hostage takers or something? This perverse Stockholm syndrome tactic is incomprehensible.
Eh, I gave up caring about them anyway since in the current climate there are PLENTY of companies I can support with my money.