Gundato: And since the only complaints I have seen (
admittedly, I don't follow things to the same degree that most of the other boycotters do :p) are about not being able to connect/authenticate, I actually don't see that being a problem in a few weeks. Ubi upgrades their servers, and it is shiny.
Delixe: Firstly you can take that snarky comment and shove it. People are following this issue because anyone interested in the future of PC gaming SHOULD be interested in it. I'm not interested in AC2, I have no intention of buying AC2 but I have no reason to see Ubi succeed with this DRM abomination as eventually a publisher will release a game I want using this. The fact you are not even interested and not really following this issue shows how misguided all your comments are. You are doing exactly what Ubisoft did a few weeks ago. Calling us all idiots and saying we don't have all the facts. Guess what? We do now.
Then in that case: Please, oh fan of Kevin Smith, enlighten me as to what the problems with AC2 are :p
Because all I have seen are people who can't connect. While that does ruin their experience for now, it is also something that can be fixed.
Clearly, you are very touchy on this subject and take anything that is not "We need to go buy some AK47s in the mail, form a militia, and attack Ubi" as being a "with them" mentality. I am more of the "I did what I can, I am going to go enjoy the PC gaming that we are supposedly trying to protect" mentality. Although, if we DO go on a raid against Ubi, give me a heads-up. I wants to play with my potato cannon :p (yeah, yeah. I know. "shove it" :p)
But dropping the political BS. Dropping that this is Ubi. Dropping that these problems are caused by DRM. Is this all that different from a lot of other launches? Game effectively unplayable for a large portion of the userbase (maybe larger than usual, but whatever). And all the users can do is wait for a patch (admittedly, they won't need to apply this one. Probably). It is pretty sad when this is par for the course, but it is.
Again, don't get me wrong, I want this to fail. And I think that the current problems are going a long way toward that. But I also am not going to sit and pretend that Desmond/Whatever The italian Assassin is called are sitting in a corner and crying because the big-bad DRM raped them. The game itself isn't affected by this, only the user's ability to play it.
And in the case of RUSE, we really can't even argue that one. It is a multiplayer oriented RTS. It is like complaining that we need to have a connection to Steam to play L4D2. I am annoyed that I wouldn't have been able to play SP without said connection, but it is a lot more tolerable with this kind of game.