Posted December 16, 2012
Navagon: Earth 2150
Three distinct factions. Research and customise units. Units gain experience. Unit carry over and gameplay mechanics that tie in with the main storyline. All in all a very strong single player game.
It's SP is also bloody hard and the story isn't really worth a damn, but yeah, overall that's a very good choice as well, and another interesting approach to SP campaigns. Three distinct factions. Research and customise units. Units gain experience. Unit carry over and gameplay mechanics that tie in with the main storyline. All in all a very strong single player game.
I always found SpellForce games fairly lacking: I was looking forward to a good mix of RPG and RTS, and what I mostly got were mediocre RTS bits and mediocre RPG bits that were connected by using the same characters.
Post edited December 16, 2012 by Fenixp