misslilo: That's a nice collection :)
The guys/gals over at sierrahelp.com will envy you that one for sure.
Recently I looked through my old games and actually found
Phantasmagoria. Seems I bought it back in the days, when it was first released, but I can't remember if I ever played it back then, lol.
Thanks :) Me too, I've got so many games I haven't played. Just entertainment for a rainy day I guess.
dreadcog: Here's the Phantas 1 installer download site:
http://blog.coaster.de/modules/PDdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=5&lid=25 Instructions:
http://www.vintage-sierra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1696 The guy says it's for the German version but it works on the English version also. It was designed for Windows XP. I'd test it but I don't own the game yet. I'm waiting on an auction to end.
TheCheese33: Thanks! Now I just need to find the damn thing. Hope it's not in one of the boxes I packed up when I thought I was moving. I'll have to go into there anyway, because I think I also packed in my copy of Killzone, so hopefully I can find both in that giant box.
No problem, I wish you luck finding it. I hope the installer works for you. Keep an eye on that squirtthecat site they seem to be devoted to getting the classics to work. I was amazed I could play Lighthouse again. Long game but an excellent story. It's about a mad scientist who lets his passion get the better of him and he opens a portal to another world. A monster comes through and kidnaps his baby daughter. You have to enter the portal and rescue them both.
Ois: I did once have a few of the Kings Quest's games, nice collection though.
Thanks, I hope GOG gets all of them one day.
Darling_Jimmy: I have King's Quest VI and Mystery House.
Your very lucky to own a copy of Mystery House. Hold onto it tight because it's worth a bunch of money.
Skystrider: I got the anthology myself, it is an excellent collection! Roberta Williams still remains, to me, the queen of computer gaming, along with Jane Jensen.
I never got around to play Phantasmagoria though, I would certainly like to try it one day.
By the way, I can heartily recommend the
fan-made VGA remakes of Kings Quest I and II. Especially the second one remains one of the better adventure games I have played this decade; it not only improves the graphics and all, but it adds a whole lot of new content; making it what Kings Quest II should have been at the start, but never was officially (in my opinion). On a slightly unrelated note, they also made a remake of Quest for Glory II, which I can also highly recommend. AGDI rocks!
Another group of fans also
remade Kings Quest III; it is a solid effort as well, and again, one I would recommend to anyone.
I agree, cool, I'm glad someone else is experiencing these classics. I wish they didn't sell them for so much money.
I totally agree Roberta Williams really had vision and passion. She wasn't in it for the money. If you watch her interviews on youtube you can see it in her face. What amazes me is they still support their games even to this day they have a bulletin board for support getting the games to work.
Yep, I downloaded all the remakes but I haven't had a chance to play them. I even got King's Quest 3 which I was ecstatic about because it was my favorite. With that wizard bastard barging in and running out on him when he goes to town. It gave me a new found respect for Al Lowe. I'll check out Quest for Glory 2 I had no idea they made a remake. Thanks for telling me.