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A true role-playing platformer experience that will unleash your inner munchkin.

Unepic, an awesome RPG/platformer full of loot, monsters, dungeons, and lots of nerd culture-based humor showing just how fun tabletop role-playing might get, is available 50% off on That's only $4.99 for the first week.

Daniel was one of those guys, who will argue with everyone for a chance to re-roll their character's stats. He would secretly add "+1"s to his equipment sheet when nobody was looking. Sometimes, he would "accidentally" knock down a cup of Slurpee on the table just to rearrange the characters setting on the map. And, boy, was he good at it! Maybe he had superior stealth stats and no one ever noticed his meddling, or maybe everyone thought that arguing with "that guy" was pointless. The important thing was: Daniel rocked tabletop role-playing. At least in his own opinion. But then, one dark night, as he left the table only for a moment, he was transported into a dark and ominous castle taken straight from a Game Master's most sadistic dream. Daniel would have to muster all of his skills and tricks to handle this ordeal. But, after all, he WAS the ultimate munchkin!

Unepic is a exploration and loot-based fantasy platformer that in its core is the ultimate tribute to pen-and-paper role-playing and nerdom. The number of times the game winks at fantasy gaming fans, TV show followers, bookworms, and gamers is simply uncountable. You will explore a huge set of dangerous stages with varied environments, vast selection of monsters, and even more incredible equipment to find and utilize against your foes. The version even comes with some exclusive items, unavailable anywhere else!

If the way of the munchkin is your preferred approach to tabletop RPGs, if you appreciate nerd-culture references, if you love loot above everything else, it's time for you to start exploring the realm of Unepic, for only $4.99 on! The launch offer lasts until Tuesday, May 28, at 9:59AM GMT.
Kunovski: hmm, I've never played Castlevania, but I always thought that it's a shoot/smash/kill type of platformer, like Contra, only in a fantasy setting... does it also have such heavy RPG elements?

anyhow, I don't recall many games similar to Castlevania either...
Since the days of Symphony of the Night it has RPG elements, along with Metroid's progression style...
Buenro-games: Of course Castlevania doesn't have RGP elements (other than being able to carry a few weapons) : D That is why this would be an epic version of Castlevania. You can watch Youtube Let's Play Videos of it to see why it would be like a spiritual successor. By the way, Castlevania itself is a spiritual successor of Ghosts'n Goblins.
that's why I think darthspudius gets this game wrong - it's not a platformer, it's a 2D RPG...
tinyE: La Mulana is kind of like that. A little more cartoony.
Kunovski: La Mulana seems heavily dependant on speed and skills of my fingers, not the character :)
Yeah, no argument there, but it's not quite so skill oriented as the Metroidvanias I grew up with like Metroid and Castelvania.
Bloodygoodgames: You guys do know ONE PERSON created this entire game, right?

He programmed it, wrote the music, the script and did just about everything else to create the game. Some of you go on and on about supporting indie developers (I know I do) and, to me, THIS is the type of game that needs supporting.

My backlog is HUGE, I am absolutely BROKE (laptop died and had to buy a new one last week) but I just bought this.

Besides.....Unepic was 100 percent created in Spain and considering Spain's terrible economy and that there really aren't many Spanish developers still in business, I'll support any Spanish developer, even if it means I don't eat for a week. (Don't worry, I could do with losing a few pounds :)
Oh man, this is absolutely moving! :_)
Oh. Didn't expect this one. Saw this on shinyloot and I thought it won't be on GOG.
Well. Good I guess. But I don't know if I am going to like it. Perhaps I'll just play the demo first.
DeadlyRamon: I just bought and installed the game. I noticed in the credits that the game was made entirely by Spaniards who reside in Barcelona, a city in which I was born and which I've visited several summers until I developed an aversion to flying. Interesting.

However, upon starting the game, after remapping my keys to a more familiar WSAD interface, I noticed when I tried to name my character that letters I'd used in my name that were assigned a specific game function (E for use D for moving right) were operating as if I'd started playing the game, so when I got to the letter E in my name (Deadly Ramon) it ended up moving me to the difficulty selection screen, and when I used the A and D keys, that kept alternating between the Cancel and OK options below the name entry field.

I got around that by temporarily assigning different keys to those functions, and then going back to the control-mapping screen once the game started, but someone really should put that on the list of things to attend to.
My apologizes! I just included this issue in the "to do" list. If you find anything else, don't hesitate to write it in the "bug and issues" section of the Uenpic. It is very sad to wake up in the morning and find no new posts in "bugs" ;-P
So far this game reminds me of Lode Runner and Terraria, with a little Hack, Slash, Loot, and a touch of Sequence for good measure. Still rough around the edges, but also intriguing and playable.
Bloodygoodgames: You guys do know ONE PERSON created this entire game, right?

He programmed it, wrote the music, the script and did just about everything else to create the game. Some of you go on and on about supporting indie developers (I know I do) and, to me, THIS is the type of game that needs supporting.

My backlog is HUGE, I am absolutely BROKE (laptop died and had to buy a new one last week) but I just bought this.

Besides.....Unepic was 100 percent created in Spain and considering Spain's terrible economy and that there really aren't many Spanish developers still in business, I'll support any Spanish developer, even if it means I don't eat for a week. (Don't worry, I could do with losing a few pounds :)
franfistro: Oh man, this is absolutely moving! :_)
Sorry, but not to be callous, a game should be bought based on its merits and not the travails of the person(s) involved in creating it. Business isn't charity. If someone spends one year living in a cave and eating roots to develop a game, and the game is a turd, I sure as hell not going to buy it just because of the hardships of the creator. I am not talking about this game at all, since I am surprised it's made by one single person since it looks very nice. But still, to somehow include the situation of the creator as an incentive to buy, is probably what keeps Uwe Boll still butchering video game stories.
Zoran you greedy skunk! GOG t-shirt for 50 zloty????
Schnuff: Not bad, still i wait for the mind blowing RPG experience for this month.
"mind-blowing" is marketing talk for "definitely not mind-blowing at all".
Schnuff: Not bad, still i wait for the mind blowing RPG experience for this month.
Fred_DM: "mind-blowing" is marketing talk for "definitely not mind-blowing at all".
Chaos Overlords? It has been confirmed, though delayed.
Or Anvil of Dawn? Mind-blowing enough for quite a few of us.
Or Wizardry 8? That should appear this week as well.

But yes, different things for different people.
tinyE: It is? The demo isn't censored. Shit, this may change my plan to buy it.
fortune_p_dawg: Bought it a few minutes ago and the game is full of "fucks!" I can confirm that my copy of the game is 100% non-censored.

Oh, and the game is pretty cool too... it's rife with awesome 80's nerd humor. I can't wait to dig into this later tonight!
Well damn it than it prolly is just specific to certain translation. I am playing the german version an there the very first fuck you is censcored :(.
lukew: Looks very good. So good in fact that I may buy it on a whim. Can anyone tell me what the control scheme is like? I guess it would be too much to ask to be able to do anything with a mouse?
franfistro: There is an option in "gameplay" to control the character with the mouse... but it's kinda strange in a platform game.
Thanks very much. Just the feature I wanted. I know it could be weird in a platformer but I really don't like switching from keyboard to mouse every 5 seconds in a game.
So, Francisco Tellez de Meneses , are you Catalan? Do you speak it fluently? Do you prefer that provincial language to Castilian Spanish?
JMich: Chaos Overlords? It has been confirmed, though delayed.
Or Anvil of Dawn? Mind-blowing enough for quite a few of us.
Or Wizardry 8? That should appear this week as well.

But yes, different things for different people.
"good" or even "excellent" isn't really the same as "mind-blowing".

i'm just saying, don't get your hopes up too much. GOG always announce things in a big way. to an extent, that's what you do pay marketing folks for. usually, the actual release isn't half as impressive as the initial announcement makes you think.
Post edited May 21, 2013 by Fred_DM