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Urban planner's single-player offline paradise!

SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition, the fan-favorite iteration in the long line of legendary urban planning simulations with a myriad of design options and factors to tweak and track, creating the ultimate sense of life-like complexity, is available 75% off on That's only $4.99 for the next 72 hours! Includes the Rush Hour expansion pack.

It all started 30 years ago, in 1984. An up-and-coming brilliant game designer by the name of Will Wright created an incredibly believable virtual city that astound the gamers with its level of detail and the amount of little things that were constantly happening in it. The city, though, served only the purpose of an interesting background to an action-focused title, Raid on Bungeling Bay. It would surely feel like a waste to see such a sophisticated simulation only as a "bells-and-whistles" addition. Luckily, 5 years later, Will Wright gave the gaming world the first SimCity game. The one we offer you today, the fourth--and according to many gamers, the best--part of the series is the result of almost a quarter of century worth of a concept's evolution.

In SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition you don't just build your city, you breathe life into it. Create a megalopolis by weaving together a tapestry of cities ranging from a bedroom community to a high tech urban center or a vacation destination to a farming village. You can create a region of interconnected cities sharing and competing for resources that are linked by a fully integrated transportation network. Use "god-like" powers to create mountain ranges, carve valleys, and lay rivers to construct the most realistic metropolis imaginable. The new simulation engine offers immediate feedback so you can react to the needs of an expanding metropolis. Now individual buildings and their lots provide you with feedback. Use the My Sim features to personalize your Sim and immediately move him or her into any area and watch them experience life around town and get instant feedback on the city's progress. Each decision has a greater impact and gives you the ability to respond more effectively. The DRM-Free Deluxe Edition offered here, comes complete with the Rush Hour expansion, for an even more in-depth urban experience!

Every game in this great series offers the player hundreds of hours of fun and easily adjustable challenge to create a sense of immersion in a living, breathing metropolis. They all come with their very own special flavor, but most gamers agree that SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition is the most delicious dish of them all. Grab it now, on, for only $4.99! Remember to hurry, because the 75% release discount offer lasts for 72 hours only, that is until Sunday, June 1, at 9:59AM GMT.
Hmm...I wasn't expecting this, and I've already got it installed, but heck! I'd love to support GOG with my purchase.
Cool, thanks for selling it for $5 on the first day of release. Cheaper than Steam!
Perfect release. More EA games please.
How can I +1 GOG itself (other than instantly purchasing)?
undeadcow: How can I +1 GOG itself (other than instantly purchasing)?
By purchasing twice?
Insta-fucking-bought! *happy dance* ;)
Great release, no-brainer insta-buy.

Now bring us Robosport!!
delboy2k10: Thank you GOG - I have this on disc but it was an instant buy for me

For others - a little advice

We move forward as does technology. Games that are old don't get updated, they end in there own cycle

You have choices :
I have a better idea, those with desktop computers can buy ANOTHER hard disk, make a clean windows xp install on it (unplug your main hard disk while doing so) and then press f11 or f12 or whatever option you have to choose the boot device at power up and you can install there all your good old games , no need for another pc. Those with a laptop can get an external usb drive or repartition and dual boot.

IMO another PC is not required since xp will install in modern hardware (unlike windows 98 or 2000).
Wow, thanks GOG!
Good game but the regular price is way off. The retail version is available for like 6 € and still runs on modern systems.
Windows only eh. My Steam version got auto-updated to include the Mac version as well - though it's only just been released (Feral rocks).
hmcpretender: Good game but the regular price is way off. The retail version is available for like 6 € and still runs on modern systems.
Is it still the Deluxe version with the expansion? That might account for a chunk of the price difference.
Post edited May 29, 2014 by mkell_226
How did GOG manage to wrest this gem from EA's maniacal clutches?

If I didn't have two boxed copies already, I'd instabuy this especially at that sweet price point.

$5 DRM-free SimCity 4 Deluxe?

that's freaking absurd!

After seeing this, if someone told me that 3K and the Windows versions of 2K were coming to GOG as well, I'd believe them.
Post edited May 29, 2014 by evilnancyreagan
hmcpretender: Good game but the regular price is way off. The retail version is available for like 6 € and still runs on modern systems.
mkell_226: Is it still the Deluxe version with the expansion? That might account for a chunk of the price difference.
Yes i'm refering to the deluxe edition:
very nice release