PhoenixWright: I love the idea, and I'm all for it, but I watched the first 20 episodes or so recently, and I think the humor is just terrible. I mean, I still like watching what they think of doing with the limitations inherent in their medium, but in general I think it's childish and boring. There are many children's shows that I really like and don't consider "childish," but Red vs. Blue is definitely "childish" in a way that I really don't like.
I'm not doing a very good job of explaining why I don't like it. I really want to like it, but I just don't.
Oh, I completely understand what you're trying to say. Maybe "sophmoric" would be a better term (if I spelled that correctly). One of the characters is constantly looking for ways to pick up chicks, and he handles his search in a most immature manner ("You can't pick up chicks in a tank!") Also, the guy in the pink armor starts to inherit feminine tendencies, one girl is repeatedly called a slut for no reason, the red team walks in on the blue team in an awkward position (one of the blues has to switch off a robot's "dongle" located on his crotch, and it looks like he's performing oral sex), "Bow Chicka Wow-Wow" is used in regularity in later seasons of Blood Gulch (to be fair, I think they were using it before those stupid Old Spice ads), teammates are regularly picked on in a way that makes it seem okay to do so (in particular Grif is the constant punching bag of the Red team), they poke fun at Mexican culture with Lopez, teammates are constantly commenting on how much they would enjoy killing each other because of a simple bone-headed mistake, the Caboose character is your typical "Durr, I'm stupid" comic foil found in countless forms of media, and so on.
Listing all these flaws may make it seem like the series is stupid, but I love it (not that I condone many of the actions characters take). It reminds me of why I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Terrible people doing terrible things to each other and innocent bystanders.
I can also tell you that the early seasons are much more immature than the newer stuff. A couple of the guys are now parents, and their humor is classier now. Also, the animation, filming techniques, and acting have improved drastically.
With that said, it's also easy to see why some people may be turned off by the new Red vs. Blue. They came for the dick and fart jokes, and won't tolerate "high-falootin" humor.