Zurvan7: Don't understand me wrong but hasn't internet become a way of electronic "begging" with kickstarter, indiegogo etc? (just an opinion so don't attack right away)
As the resident expert on fundraising ethics (hur hur sarcasm), I'm
okay with this sort of fundraising as presented. I mean,
why not? If your friend is
sad and you have spare cash lying around, why not contribute? And if you can ask your friends for spare cash, why not do it efficiently, through the internets?
However - this is not a charity. It's just asking friends for money / giving friends money. If it goes beyond friends (as this thread made it go), it becomes
begging. The OP is
begging, on behalf of someone else. I can't read backer-only kickstarter updates, but I see none of them are titled "pls giev $$ 2 fyte cancer", so I'm not going to blame Holmes there.
jamyskis: On a less positive note, I have a feeling that the Chloe Sagal affair is going to rear its ugly head again...
The new Godwin.