Entertaining, good thread, not much to add, other than how emotionally involved kids can get while playing (as if I don't.)
Many times I'd be working, kids playing Nintendo with friends over, and really giving it hell.
Wasn't often, but usually around 'boss' time, that I'd hear swearing off in the distance when things didn't go well; things like 'fat bastard' (Bowzer the culprit,) asshole pirates (Final Fantasy stuff,) and the like.
Swearing wasn't allowed, as I wanted them to learn how to express themselves without relying on profanities. I'd walk in, and an immediate 'I'm sorry', but knew damned well they weren't, only trying to get out of it.
Had fun saying, 'how would it look, if the next time I was talking to Mr. (name withheld), I said why in the hell do you want me to do this shit, it's a waste of time and money?' or other laced things in a hypothetical situation.
It got laughs from them, but the funny part is that I'd hear the boss music come up, sometimes months later, then hear one tell the other 'shhh, dad's gonna be listening,' or 'remember Mr. (name witheld.)'
Guy was famous, and he didn't even know it.
Sneaky little bastards.
If this were business, I can assure you I would have refrained from profanities myself. :-)